Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Priests Have Desecrated the Altars…
Message from Our Lady Queen and Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 4, 2023

Jesus and Mary are with you little flower.
Beloved Children,
the hour of redemption has come, everything is ready to be read in all its parts.
Friends of Jesus:
get ready! The coming of a cloud will be the surprise for this unbelieving and perverse generation. Jesus from the height of His Heaven will descend to manifest His Glory and take every one of His Children into Himself. The House of David will open to its new people, those faithful to God Love, to the Living God! A people who have given all of themselves for the salvation of their brothers and sisters.
My children, to you who seek Me and cry out to Me your "totus tuus,"
verily I say:
I am one step away from you, shortly I will embrace you to Me and fill you with Me.
Italy is about to be struck by the Wrath of God! Rome shone with Divine Light, but has turned her back on her God Love,
has compromised with Satan!
Priests desecrated the altars
and soaked themselves in intoxicating wine, which does not belong to Me!!!
They have turned their backs on their Lord Jesus Christ, they have put on garments of shame. My Chalice is overflowing!!! I will pour out My wrath on the wicked, I will exterminate everything that does not belong to Me. I will restore luster to My Church! My Church has been desecrated. Satan feasts on My Altars, My Priests follow him ... and worship him in My place.
Behold, My Children ... and "no longer Mine" ... by your free choice.
The hours of your passion have begun! Satan will feast in your hearts: he will make you his slaves forever. Count your last hours of life ... shortly you will be horrified in Hell! The time of transgression is at its peak: sin has taken the place of purity, man has been reduced to Satan's scum!
The death knells are already thundering!
The sky is about to darken! Darkness will invade the earth!
Poor men! Poor because no one will satiate you with love :
you have lost Love, you have soiled yourselves with wickedness; you run after false doctrines, Satan has deluded you ... and he laughs at you!!! ...
what a misery you have become!!!
I will surprise Humanity, ...
suddenly it will happen!
Convert ... NOW!!!!
You only have a handful of seconds left to do it!
God IS!
Source: ➥